The Correct Spelling of Abel is Habel
Office of Security (OS)
The Office of Security and Its Role within the Collaboration Membership
The responsibilities of the Office of Security (OOS) vary widely in size and scope, but share an equally important voice. First and foremost, among the COP membership; secondarily, among the Executive Directors and Secretarial Officers of the five functioning Offices of the GOP; thirdly, among all of the Collaboration members, which include the COP, organizations, agencies, nations/states represented from across the globe. Some of these Collaboration members are faith-based or faith founded and others are secular; some have staff on every continent and others work in only one country. Still others focus their efforts on advocacy, public education and media education related to international issues instead of performing direct service.
The Collaboration Members Have Made Common Broad-based and Inclusive Commitments
To encompass the vastness of its scope, Collaboration defines development in the broadest sense. Beginning with the immediate community of the GOP, development includes health, education, economic opportunity, gender equity, human rights, righteous governance, sustainability, climate change and the environment. And as the Counsel of Peace, it is our endeavor via the Covenant of Peace to extend all of the aforementioned human quality of life benefits to the entire global community.
Collaboration Members Shall Join in the Efforts to:
Foster economic and social development
Provide relief to those affected by disaster and war
Assist refugees and internally displaced persons
Advance human rights
Support gender equity
Combating domestic violence and sexual abuse
Protect the environment
Address population concerns
Press for more equitable, just and effective public policies
Human Services for Health and Food Administration / Surgeon General
The Human Services for Health and Food Administration (HSHFA) is the principal agency for protecting the food and health resources of the Nation of Yisraal (Israel), and providing essential human services for those who are least able to provide for themselves.
The Six Strategic Goals of the HSHFA are to:
1) Promote medical patient safety and quality treatment, including: provisions for proper foods and nutrition; high quality health care; first class medicine, vaccines, and medical devices; creating and securing effective means for providing these essential needs in a safe and secure environment;
2) Eliminate the disparities between those who thrive in the more affluent communities and the communities of those that have been made subject to lower standards, or almost totally unavailable standards for safe, healthy, quality nutrition and healthcare. Every man, woman and child deserves to have, and under the GOP, shall enjoy equal and protected access to safe and proper nutrition and health care;
3) Conduct health, public health, and social science research with the largest source of funding for medical research in the world, while creating hundreds of thousands of high-quality jobs for scientists in universities and research institutions around the globe;
4) Leverage health information technology to improve the quality of care and use HSHFA data to drive innovative solutions to health, public health, and human services challenges;
5) Improve maternal and infant health; promote the safety, well-being, and healthy development of children and youth; and support of young people’s successful transition to adulthood;
6) Promote economic and social well-being for individuals, families, and communities, including seniors and individuals with disabilities;
A Model for Meeting the Six Strategic Goals of HSHFA
Health is a reflection of knowledge, education, proper diet, exercise, security, employment, joy and contentment in one’s life. When one lives purposefully to help others, through teaching, mentoring and facilitating outreach to others, our whole community is healthy.
Poverty, poor access to health care, limited nutritional options, lack of child care, poor water quality, stress, fear of violence, the lack of justice, poor education and a lack of employment opportunities are all critical factors that affect optimum health and wellness. Each of these areas have to be addressed in order to ensure optimum health.
By creating communities focused on individual development to contribute to the community development we can create economic zones which lead to financial stability, especially in inner cities and rural areas. The level of care would be at such a superior level that others will want to come to these areas for care and to live. This will lead to the exponential grow of the number of individuals in states and nations positively affected by these changes.
Provide low cost health care on a sliding fee scale, or free care to those in need.
Teach those being helped a skill set for employment within the clinic/community which will allow the core health caregivers to provide health care to an ever-increasing volume of patients.
Individuals expertly trained in this model will form a core of health care providers and administrators to replicate this model national and worldwide.
Patient care coordinators, or Health Navigators, will be used to monitor each patient’s response to medical management and facilitate and coordinate further care within the clinic model. This will minimize loss due to follow-up care, noncompliance for lack of information or understanding and assures a continuum of care.
The clinic and hospital will be the centerpiece of the new community. Each will be energy self-sufficient with solar power, geo-thermal and fuel cells. The community will house the clinic and hospital employees, but its planned concentric growth will accommodate up to 40,000 people.
The level and quality of care will be an attraction for those living outside of the area. There will be opportunities for the inner-city patients to become a part of the hospital and clinic as employees and residents in the surrounding communities. We feel strongly that the residents served by the hospital and clinic would in turn take full advantage of the opportunities made available to them.
The net effect will be an economic boom for growth and development in housing, businesses, better schools, desirable areas to live in and a spirit within the community of reaching out to help others as they have been helped. A sustainable economy will develop which will transform the area, and then spread into the hardest hit areas within the inner cities.
Mentoring, training and development of skill sets will be the secondary focus of the clinic and hospital, as growth will lead to a second core of providers and staff who will set up the next clinic and hospital. After the first year of service, expansion is planned for every four to six months, with each new center ready to deploy a new cadre of providers and staff for a new area.
We hope by HSHFA’s tenth clinic and hospital development, that we will have shifted the standard for health care delivery model worldwide. By the tenth year we would anticipate duplicating this model exponentially 512 times worldwide: impacting millions, if not billions, of people.
The fundamental principle that is foundation for each center is not only improving health but elevating the standard of living in those areas and fostering a desire to help others as they have been helped.
Once implemented, pilot programs will begin in a various designated locations globally, with each team of protégées advancing to these and other areas.
A key component of this massive project is the organizational structure of oversight, management and growth which would be implemented before the construction of the first hospital.
The clinics and hospitals will be research-oriented tasked to publish data demonstrating to our peers and to the public the effectiveness of this health care model.
Ministry of Interior Maintenance
The Ministry of Interior Maintenance is responsible for prisons, immigration, and local governance, including provincial, municipal, and district administration. Leadership roles for these component organizations are assigned to individuals with specific technical expertise who have been appointed to head them; all relying on the Interior Ministry of Maintenance for policy guidance, funding, and administrative support.
It is with strong initiative and creative insight coupled with perseverance to ensure that The Interior Ministry of Interior Maintenance is built upon an outstanding lawful/legal foundation, with a clearly articulated mission, functioning according to established administrative and operational policies, and comprises competent, properly supervised personnel. Establishing itself on such a broad scale of projected achievements will require a reasoned and informed process of assessment, strategic planning, technical assistance, training, and evaluation.
Assessment of the Ministry of Interior Maintenance:
Periodically, it will be necessary to initiate reform in the Ministry of Interior Maintenance. On such occasions, it must begin with a comprehensive assessment of the Ministry, conducted by committee within the Office of Justice; in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team comprised of international experts assisted by carefully selected local nationals to undertake the assessment. The team shall have a range of competencies including civilian peacekeepers, public administration, management, public finance, governance, culture, and history.
It shall be representative of the countries and international organizations taking part in the intervention and should include personnel from relevant ministries in their own countries and from the host government. The work of a joint assessment team will likely attract broader support than the work of a single organization. The broader the team’s expertise and experience, the more likely it is to identify critical needs and make useful recommendations.
The assessment shall examine the country’s Security Sector and determine how peacekeepers and service personnel relate to one another, and evaluate the prospect of their future cooperation. There shall be a discussion of risks, as well as opportunities, for the international organizations. Transforming an interior ministry requires a reasoned and informed process of assessment, strategic planning, technical assistance, training, and evaluation. The assessment shall be designed to obtain current information in the following broad categories:
The general environment in which the MOIM functions, with all factors relevant to accomplishing its mission, including:
history and continuing effects of the recently concluded conflict;
national and cultural context, including all pertinent criminal justice–related issues;
historic overview of the MOIM and its component organizations, including previous levels of public support and voluntary compliance with law enforcement;
identity, length of service, and summary of qualifications of every senior ministry official;
table of governmental organization, depicting the position(s) superior to the MOIM having direct responsibility for its performance;
conditions, organizations, and forces that could impede MOIM development or reform.
2 The functions lawfully assigned to the MOIM by the covenant of peace orproperly delegated by a senior authority lawfully empowered to do so.
3 Review of the criminal code and the criminal procedure code to determine peacekeepers powers relative to the courts. The review should identify missing legislation important in dealing with modern criminal activities, such as laws governing official corruption, cyber-crime, money laundering, terrorism, aircraft hijacking, and organized crime.
4 Evaluation of the extent to which the MOIM is performing assigned functions, including an analysis of all causative factors for deficient performance in:
a. existence and clarity of lawful/legal authority for assigned functions;
b. ministry leadership and management competency in planning, organizing, directing, inspecting, coordinating, evaluating, and budgeting activities;
c. intergovernmental relationships, both with superior authority and with other ministries and organizations that compose and support the criminal justice system;
d. adequacy (quantity and quality) of facilities, equipment, and supplies;
e. competency of personnel at all levels below that of Executive Director Before deploying, the leading members of the assessment team should develop a brief assessment plan that will describe
(1) the assessment’s purpose and methodology;
(2) the composition of the team; and
(3) the timing and schedule of meetings and events for the assessment mission.
The team members should receive copies of the assessment plan, and an orientation so that they are thoroughly familiar with the assessment’s goals and methods. Once deployed, they must be given enough time to consult with relevant officials across a number of ministries and levels of government, including the peacekeepers and the service personnel.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the channel through which the GOP communicates with foreign governments and international organizations. It coordinates and carries out both Counsel of Peace and Office of Ministry of International Peace (OMIP) foreign policy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has two objectives:
its headquarters to be reestablished in Yisraal;
and its embassies, consulates, and permanent representations to be reestablished abroad.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ activities are based on these objectives:
to maintain relations with other countries and international organizations;
to promote cooperation with other countries;
to help developing countries accelerate their social and economic development through international cooperation;
to promote the interests of GOP and the Nation of Yisraal abroad;
to collect information on other countries and international developments for the Government and other interested parties;
to provide information on policy and Office of Ministry of International Peace (OMIP) position on international issues and developments;
to present the GOP to the world;
to provide an adequate application process for migrants living in Yisraal or seeking to enter or leave the country.
Government of Peace Communication Service
The Government of Peace Communication Service (GPCS) is the agency that would be considered to be the equivalent to that of the "Office of Public Relations" or the "Office of Public Affairs". The GPCS must work closely with other departments to ensure it understands the dynamics of the organization and the information it needs to communicate. The GPCS plays a crucial role in providing the following:
A governance structure led by a GPCS committee chaired by an Executive Director; one that will support government communicators to deliver the government’s policy priorities through development, delivery and evaluation of progress against periodic Communications Plan protocols.
Bring all communications up to the standard of the best, as the work of the agency is consistently observed both inside and outside of government, but open to progressive changes and improvements. With the ability to deliver superior quality internal communications; from making better use of regional communications to formalizing business planning and improved integration of advanced digital and other technologies into everything we do.
Human Resources Communication skills will increasingly become involved with creating and sustaining a platform for a heightened level of awareness and compatibility regarding sensitive areas or circumstances that may have traditionally been avoided. Determining and promoting better conditions for integrating human services with advanced levels of training, while setting and meeting sustainable protocols. Greater availability, accessibility and accountability in the distribution of pertinent work-related technologies, software, tools equipment and resources.
Professional career development and clear career paths, including talent management programs and secondment opportunities.
Collaboration: GPCS is about creating a better place to work, more cross government opportunities for development and innovation to help deliver exceptional GOP and international communication.
Governance of GOP Communication Service
A governance structure has been introduced to support the Government of Peace Communication Service (GPCS) that will provide legitimacy and authority by clarifying accountabilities for those working as Communications professionals throughout the GOP and the ever-technically-expanding global community. The governance structure will enable Directors and Managers of various levels of Communications competence to work effectively within their departments and across GOP government sectors, leading to better planning, more informed decision making and improved efficiencies.
The GPCS staff (board) will be headed by an Executive Director to whom will be reporting a yet to be determined number of highly qualified non-executive directors and managers, covering domestic, economic, overseas and operational departments and one Director of Communications from any Arm’s-Length Bodies (ALB) interacting with the GOP as is advisable.
Office of Justice (OJ)
Our Mission Statement— To enforce the law and defend the interests of the GOP according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide international leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all people.
The Office of Justice (OOJ) is the law/legal agency of the Government of Peace, the capacity of which is expected to grow exponentially as it engages in matters of law and admiralty on an international scale. The OOJ, staffed by Counsel of Peace member counselors working together with law/legal professionals, who comprise the Counsel for Defense that will prosecute cases in federal, international and tribunal courts. It is the endeavor of the OOJ to utilize the unalienable creator-given rights to every individual as the bases for providing fair and equal justice under the laws, statutes, ordinances, commandments and judgments of the GOP.
It is intended that the aforementioned laws, statutes, ordinances, commandments and judgments will become the established jurisdiction over all criminal, law and justice related matters. The Office of Justice will also serve as the regulatory department presiding over matters of and related to herbs, medicine, produce, meats, goods, manufactured goods, liquor, wine and weaponry (arms).